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Privacy Policy | PrimeGlobalMarket

Privacy Policy

PrimeGlobal Market respects the privacy of all its users and is committed to guarding it in all aspects. To find out how user information collected at the website is protected, please read the following private policy document.

Please make a note that PrimeGlobal Market can make changes to this privacy policy from time to time. Keep checking this page to know more about the updated private policies.

Before or at the time of collecting personal information, PrimeGlobal Market will identify the purposes for which the information is being collected.

  1. PrimeGlobal Market will collect and use personal information collected solely with the objective of fulfilling those purposes specified by us and for other compatible purposes, unless we obtain the consent of the individual concerned or as required by law.

  2. PrimeGlobal Market will only retain personal information as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes earlier stated. PrimeGlobal Market will collect personal information by lawful and fair means and, where appropriate, with the knowledge or consent of the individual concerned.

  3. Personal data should be relevant to the purposes for which it is to be used, and, to the extent necessary for those purposes, should be accurate, complete, and up-to-date.

  4. PrimeGlobal Market will protect personal information by reasonable security safeguards against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.

  5. PrimeGlobal Market will make readily available to customers information about our policies and practices relating to the management of personal information.

  6. PrimeGlobal Market is committed to conducting its business in accordance with these principles in order to ensure that the confidentiality of personal information is protected and maintained.

How Does PrimeGlobal Market Collect Your Information?

By asking you to provide it in the course of using the website.

PrimeGlobal Market may obtain your information from other companies who’ve obtained your permission to share information about you.

PrimeGlobal Market may collect your information by using cookies stored on your device about your use of its website and/or third-party websites.

Your IP address

What We Do with the Information Collected

The information collected at the website is to present our valuable customers with better services and in particular for the following reasons:

  • Improve our existing products and services.

  • Send promotional emails periodically about new products, special offers, or other information which users may find interesting.

Links to other Websites

PrimeGlobal Market website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. We are not responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.


When you create or log in to an online account you agree to our privacy and cookies notice. Consequently, by continuing to use our website you agree to the use of cookies as described in this notice.

You should be aware that when you use our website we may collect information by using ‘cookies’.

What are cookies and how do they work?

Cookies are small bits of text that are downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Your browser sends these cookies back to the website every time you visit the site again, so it can recognize you and can then tailor what you see on the screen.

What are cookies used for?

Cookies are an important part of the internet. They make using websites much smoother and affect lots of the useful features of websites. There are many different uses for cookies, but PrimeGlobal Market basically uses its cookies to provide the service you have asked for.

These cookies are essential so you can move around the website and use its features. Without these cookies, services you’ve asked for can’t be provided. These cookies don’t gather information about you that could be used for marketing or remembering where you’ve been on the internet.

Controlling your personal information

We will not sell, distribute, or lease your personal information to third parties unless we contact you and have your permission to do so.

Modifying/Deleting Personal Information

Customers can modify or delete their personal information by sending an email

Opting Out of Notifications from Business Name

In order to opt-out of future notifications from our company, customers can email us


PrimeGlobal Market is based in Nigeria, and, regardless of where you use our services or otherwise provide information to us, the information may be transferred to and maintained on servers located in Nigeria.

Please note that any information we obtain about you will be stored in accordance with Nigerian privacy laws, regulations, and standards, which may not be equivalent to the laws in your country of residence. By using our services or by providing us with your information, you consent to this collection, transfer, storage, and processing of information to and in Nigeria.